
Dr Khurshid Ayub is working as an Associate Professor at the department of chemistry, COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad campus since May 2018. He obtained his PhD degree from the University of Victoria, Canada in 2008 working with Prof Dr Reginal H Mitchell in the field of organic materials with focus on negative photochromes. He, then worked as a post-doctoral fellow in the lab of Prof Robert P Lemieux at Queen’s University where he worked in the field of liquid crystals. Later, He joined COMSATS in 2010. He is working actively in the field of computational chemistry with the focus on rational design of materials and solving problems in chemistry through computational tools. He has a total of 357 publications in his credit with a cumulative impact factor of over 1450. His current citations are over 7000 with h-index and i-10 indexes of 45 and 193, respectively. His research work is multidisciplinary in nature and covers many interesting topics including Single atom catalysis, Non-bonding interactions, Photoswitches, Non-linear optical properties, Sensors, Adsorption/encapsulation, Reactions in confined spaces, Singlet fission and Drug delivery. He is author of four solo articles (single author articles). He has supervised 58 MS thesis either as supervisor or co-supervisor. Moreover, 13 PhD students have successfully defended their thesis and have been awarded PhD degrees under his supervision (and co-supervision). He has been recognized as the best researcher of the COMSATS Abbottabad campus for year 2017 and 2022. Before this, he was declared as the best researcher of the department of Chemistry, CIIT in 2016. He has delivered several training sessions and invited/public lectures at various conferences and workshops. The number of delivered talks and training sessions in these workshops are more than 20 in number. He is a regular reviewer of more than 90 high repute international journals from well-known societies.